About Us

ArcheologyC21.org is the website for Archeology C21, an organization founded in 2017 in an effort to preserve archeology and known archeological sites for analysis by the next generation of archeologists.  Our founder, Bhagirath Joshi, is an amateur Archeologist on the quest to recover the true history of mankind.

We need your Support? The Pyramid has stood the test of time. The mainstream archeologists tell us that it was built using rudimentary tools. This is, if not a lie then, a misinterpretation of the evidence. To construct a building, which lasts many millenniums, which is also Earthquake-Proof and 480 feet tall, made up of More than 2,300,000 limestone and granite blocks weighing 2.5 tons each requires immense Engineering skills. If you simply pile up the stones, the ground will give up. The pyramid is on a solid prepared base. The same is the case with Maya civilization, Incas, Civilizations in India and many others around the world.

Additionally, These world civilizations were trading with each other and so-called mainstream archeologists and historians have never told us about the connections and trades between Egyptians, People of India, People of the Far East and Americas. It is a fact that all these civilizations had not only trade relations but also had diplomatic relations as well.

So You see, How many stories these Archeologists and Historians have told us are incorrect. With your help, I would like to revisit the existing evidence, show you the already existing evidence and bring out the true history of the world by producing high-quality documentaries, writing books and rewriting history in textbooks.

Please visit my website www. ArcheologyC21 .org to see more videos. Please signup and become the supporting member. Your support will help do more direct archeology on existing and new sites, produce a better record of the video evidence by hiring the professional crew, Perform Radioactive or fluorescence testing of Archeological samples,  Your support will help take care of Costs associated with these activities.

Sign up and become a supporting member. Even if you can not support with money, please signup and be the member. Participate in this exciting adventure.

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